Report on [FL:RP] Timmy TV and [FL:RP] Ryan :)
Where do you see a aggressive criminal group?
All I see here is legit acting who got approved by 2 admins (Spear which is a mod and another one which i cant recall ATM)
You may see this group as aggressive yet their job was to defend the president and they did nothing criminal like while doing it, they didnt shoot or attacked any citizen or any government people without no reason, and actually no government personal generally.
This is aggressive yet you were told not to pass the red line in the video mentioned above and you still did which caused an arrest.
And like I told your mate don't meta game (used ts3 or skype in order to communicate).

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RE: Report on [FL:RP] Timmy TV and [FL:RP] Ryan :) - by Tw1ZeR - 03-17-2016, 08:54 PM

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