Report on [FL:RP] Timmy TV and [FL:RP] Ryan :)
Name of player: [FL:RP] Timmy TV   &   [FL:RP] Ryan Smile

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:74968686   &   STEAM_0:0:127179694

Time in GMT: 19:30--->

Server: v33x

Summary: Rules:  12.4 15.2 and 12.6 ?? directly aiding an aggressive criminal group which endangers citizens. Also fail rp on Timmy's (the SRU) side by camping the 'arrest on sight' line and literally teaming up with the criminals along with the other SRU players.


Messages In This Thread
Report on [FL:RP] Timmy TV and [FL:RP] Ryan :) - by Joulle - 03-17-2016, 08:00 PM

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