Infernaw needs to be a bit more accurate when placing bans.
Your name: [FL:RP] Myst

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:154483579

Your ban ID: 70198

Banned by: [FL] Infernaw

Reason: "Teamkilling, backseat admining, randomly shooting without an RP reason"

Involved: I have no idea.

Why we should unban you: Well, I was banned for a duration of 48 hours for the following reasons; Teamkilling, backseat admining, randomly shooting without an RP reason. This is complete bullsh*t as I was NOT online when this ban was placed. Mr. "Infernaw" must have gotten some things a bit muddled up when banning my account for 2 days. If you wish to do so you can check the logs to prove that I was in fact not on the server when this ban was placed and I wish to be unbanned and also for Infernaw to be questioned about this.

Messages In This Thread
Infernaw needs to be a bit more accurate when placing bans. - by Myst - 03-04-2016, 05:59 PM

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