Unblacklist request for Moon
Quote:this record shows [FL] Jan unjustify actions to blacklist me NLR spawn 4hours for doing literally nothing wrong,while the SRU NLR and got blacklisted for only 3hours
Now before saying I'm the one that is doing wrong here do your research, as the user I blacklisted before had around 200 hours, that is 1/4 of the hours you have on record, I expect people with a high amouth of hours to know the rules.

Quote:Just look at the demo a "Warn" should be enough in that case. since i have no previous NLR bans. In my whole GP in the server
Whether I should warn someone or not isn't up to you, but up to me. Also, you pretty much have a blacklist for every rule we have, since you have 23 on record, now instead of constantly denying you're in the wrong here, accept it and learn from it, that's where blacklists are for, if you continue like this it will result in worse punishments.

Also, any other case is completely irrelevent to this one, especially if you use it to twist stories and expect it to help your unblacklist case.

Blacklist denied.

Messages In This Thread
Unblacklist request for Moon - by taXXeN22 - 02-29-2016, 07:14 PM
RE: Unblacklist request for Moon - by Infernaw - 03-01-2016, 10:10 AM
RE: Unblacklist request for Moon - by Jan - 03-01-2016, 07:56 PM

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