UBR: Multiple people [SuperAdmins welcome]

You guys had this coming. You take every excuse you can to engage officers in a gunfight and this time your reason to do so just wasnt valid. I will comment on your UBR in parts:

1. Me driving over Bobby had nothing to do with this entire situation. You being OOC friends with bobby doesnt mean youre his IC friend. If i remember correctly he was a carwasher and you guys were criminals. How exactly did you guys become friends if i may ask?

2. If you see an officer with his ELS lights on is not a reason to pull him out of his car and hostage him. He might have been on an entirely different business and your assumption that he was after you was simply not a valid reason to pull out your guns and kill the entire police force.

3. The police man in question shot you because on of your guys advanced on him with a gun raised. You cant expect an officer to holster his gun when you have yours aimed at him, thats simply not how it works.

At last i have to say there was 0 attempt from you guys to RP this out. I yelled multiple times if you guys had any demands and that we could resolve this peacecfully but there was no respond other then "PUT YOUR GUN DOWN'. It is clear that you guys like aggresive RP but this wasnt RP, this was simply gunning officers down because you felt like it.

I think this ban is completely valid and hopefully in future you guys will do this differently.

EDIT: at 03:17 you guys even say "lets kill some suckers". This gunfight was planned by you guys solely because you wanted to shoot officers and therefore invalid.

Messages In This Thread
RE: UBR: Multiple people [SuperAdmins welcome] - by Baskingner - 02-25-2016, 01:20 PM
RE: UBR: Multiple people [SuperAdmins welcome] - by Create - 02-26-2016, 08:53 PM

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