UBR: Multiple people [SuperAdmins welcome]
Your name: [FL:RP] taXXeN22, [FL:RP] Moon, [FL:RP] Bobby |

Your SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:34303029 ; STEAM_0:0:43436378 ; STEAM_0:1:96647533

Your ban ID:  70056 ; 70057 ; 70058

Banned by:  [FL] Pear 

Reason:  RDM, Baiting

Involved:  Me, Moon, Bobby| , Baskingner, ]DJ[ Orange and some other officer who shot first.

Why we should unban you: Well. Let me explain the whole situation. Me and Bobby were having a chat with police sergeant (Baskingher) who ran over our friend. Once we finished and the sergeant drove away, another officer arrives (Orange), Bobby and Moon have some sort of conversation with him which somehow finishes in threat to leave the place, which he did. Then, we drived towards the city, saw some officer coming back with ELS on and we thought it was Orange trying to follow us, so we pulled him over and got him out of car. He previously called backup, because he was followed by 2 police cars with ELS on. We got Orange under a gunpoint and yelled to other officers to put their weapons down, or the officer will die. They refused to do it for around 30 seconds or more, and then some other officer opened fire for no reason (sadly did not get his name, but you can check logs, it happened around 02/25/2016 12-45 GMT +- 10 minutes). So we had to kill the officer as police side opened a gunfire FIRST, when WE had the officer and demanded to put their guns away. So technically, it was fail from POLICE, we did not bait anyone, but they DID. I do not see our fault here. 


Sorry for bad quality, I dont know why did that happen, maybe some problems with recording software, but vital info is here

Messages In This Thread
UBR: Multiple people [SuperAdmins welcome] - by taXXeN22 - 02-25-2016, 01:03 PM
RE: UBR: Multiple people [SuperAdmins welcome] - by Create - 02-26-2016, 08:53 PM

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