[Unofficial][Hiring] Arcon Corporation
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Foreword from the Managing Director

Over the last few days, I have made some changes in Arcon, and fundamentally shook up the Corporation like never before; this meant I had to terminate contracts of some of those within Arcon, which I felt was a necessity to ensuring we remain reputable.

I have also, on the advice of my legal team and trusted partners, decided to re-brand and rename the criminal syndicate of our Corporation.

As we move forward into the future, Arcon will always lead the way.

Remain safe in the field, remain loyal to the Corporation, and remain steadfast.

Si vis pacem para bellum
If you want peace, prepare for war

Ben Campbell
Managing Director of Arcon

[Image: arbwKtj.jpg]

Ben Campbell 'aDisabledDeer' - Managing Director

Luke Tokley 'Huskii' - Executive Officer

Chew Dowi 'Moon' - Operations Officer

Matt Smith 'Brozocker5521' - Veteran Mercenary

Giovanni Calsone 'Wolfy' - Sergeant

Hamez McKay 'Dobby' - Mercenary

Carly James 'Pedo Bear' - Mercenary

Joe Joe Binks 'Peter Chuckle' - Mercenary

Daniel Ko 'rhxogns02' - Mercenary

Franklin Clinton 'Sven' - Mercenary

LeBron James 'Nico' - Mercenary

Jonny Dagger 'Commander Wolffe RPE' - Mercenary

James Pond 'misterlol29' - Mercenary

Francesco Capriano 'ShadowWolfy' - Mercenary

Tyrone 'Cool' Black 'Coollittleman' - Mercenary

Markus Ratchet 'UndeadNuclearGamer' - Mercenary

Otis Woods 'Jesus_Doge' - Mercenary
Research & Development Department

Ben Vaughan 'Grunt' - Science and Research Director

Arcon Code of Ethos

S1. All staff and those thinking about signing up to the Corporation must follow the new Code of Ethos, set in place to ensure Arcon remains a reputable company.

S2. Arcon at its core root is a Yakuza-type organisation, with a strong professional and business orientated front, and a strong criminal and underground syndicate.

S3.All staff members will give mercy to surrendering enemies where and when it is possible to do so, and will not go out actively seeking fights without prior consent from my office, or the office of someone designated to give such an order.

S4.a) Attacking the Corporation, b) causing the Corporation to be seen as less reputable, c) not respecting the high standards of the Corporation, d) attacking, physically or personally, the Managing Director, Executive Officer, or any other staff member, e) seeking employment and signing a contract with another organisation and showing disloyalty to the Corporation, f) defying direct orders from the Managing Director or the Executive Officer, g) and unauthorised or unsanctioned murder - all of these things will result in a tribunal being brought against the accused staff member.

S5. Arcon will work with the relevant authority of EvoCity if we are asked to do so, and only if permission has been given by Arcon head corporate office - at all other times, Arcon will work against the EvoCity authorities.

S6. Arcon will work with and alongside other organisations and businesses when head corporate office has negotiated fair terms with said organisations and businesses - Arcon employee's will not go out of their way to damage private property unless provoked.

S7. In times of national emergency or crisis, Arcon will work alongside the EvoCity Government to; a) keep the government in power, b) offer armed escort and/or protection to the premier of EvoCity, c) offer charitable services to the people of EvoCity.  

Breaching the Arcon Code of Ethos will result in the staff member being temporarily suspended following a Corporation and Union Tribunal; if found guilty by the Tribunal, the staff member will have his/her contract terminated with immediate effect, and will not be able to use Arcon as a future reference when seeking employment
Expired Contracts

Frank Jameson 'UnreadyTripod' - Mercenary  | Contract Expired

Phil O'Neill 'Sinclare' - Mercenary  | Contract Expired

Those on this list may use Arcon as a reference when seeking future employment
Dismissed from the Corporation for breaching the Code of Ethos

John Howard 'Baloo Bear' - Veteran Mercenary | Contract Terminated
Found guilty by tribunal of breaching S4.d

Spoiler :
S5.d Attacking, physically or personally, the Managing Director, Executive Officer, or any other staff member

Reggie Kray 'DannyFox' - Sergeant | Contract Terminated
Found guilty by tribunal of breaching S4.e

Spoiler :
S5.e Seeking employment and signing a contract with another organisation and showing disloyalty to the Corporation

Paul Chuckle 'Obi-Jaun Kenobi' - Mercenary | Contract Terminated
Found guilty by tribunal of breaching S4.b

Spoiler :
S4.b Causing the Corporation to be seen as less reputable

Barry Chuckle 'Mr Chow Ling Ping' - Mercenary | Contract Terminated
Found guilty by tribunal of breaching S4.b

Spoiler :
S4.b Causing the Corporation to be seen as less reputable

James Standen 'MisfitGamesHD' - Research Agent | Contract Terminated
Found guilty by tribunal of breaching S4.c

Spoiler :
S4.c Not respecting the high standards of the Corporation

Other employers should reference to this when thinking of signing a contract with these gentlemen
Those on this list may not reapply to join the Corporation under any circumstance.

If any former employee that has had their contract terminated lists Arcon as their former employment, or uses Arcon as a reference, expect us to inform your potential employer of your history the Corporation - we will not give you a positive reference.

Clarification of the hierarchy

Head Corporate Office
The businessmen and corporate chiefs in charge of both the business front and the criminal syndicate of the Corporation

Managing Director
The Managing Director is the head of the Corporation, with his office being the highest port of call in the Corporation. Any orders given directly from the Managing Director are to be unquestionably followed, as they have been well thought through and will always be in the interests of the Corporation.

The Managing Director has the power to employ new staff, and terminate their contracts if he feels they violate the Code of Ethos.

The Managing Director heads both the criminal syndicate of the Corporation and the business aspect also.

Only take a matter to the Managing Director if you have been advised to by the Veteran Mercenary.

The Managing Director is responsible for every department in the Corporation, including Arcon Science and Research, the Arcon legal team, and the Arcon finance department - for this reason, the Managing Director may not be available at all times.

Executive Officer
The Executive Officer is the second highest position in the Corporation, with the position being filled by the Managing Director's most trusted and loyal partner.

The Executive Officer has the same power as the Managing Director, although he most follow orders given by the Managing Director.

The Executive Officer may hire new employee's and, if he feels it is necessary, may suspend Mercenaries until the Managing Director has thoroughly investigated the matter.

The Executive Officer heads both the criminal syndicate of the Corporation and the business aspect also.
Criminal Syndicate
Those in charge of keeping Arcon's enemies at bay and ensuring Arcon remains protected

Operations Officer
The Operations Officer commands the Mercenaries and is in charge of all Mercenaries in the underground syndicate of the Corporation.

The Operations Officer may give advice to the Executive Officer and Managing Director about a particular subject or operation which he hopes to initiate.

All orders given by the Operations Officer are to be followed.

Veteran Mercenary
The Veteran Mercenary is in charge of making sure orders given by the Operations Officer are followed smoothly and precisely, with the Veteran Mercenary ensuring that Mercenaries are kept informed of changes in the Corporation and making sure that order is kept within the ranks.

The Veteran Mercenary will regularly update the Mercenaries on matters going on in the ranks and around the Corporation itself.

The Sergeant is solely responsible for keeping order and peace amongst the Mercenaries, and ensuring that Mercenaries are kept in fit shape and ready to move out and defend the Corporation at a moments notice.

The Mercenaries are the backbone of the Corporation, it is with your skill and determination that Arcon remains a rapidly growing and successful organisation.
Arcon Science and Research

The Arcon Science and Research Department is a new initiative started by former Operations Officer Benjamin Vaughan, which aims to bring Arcon into the Research and Development industry.

Currently, Arcon produces it's own energy and food supply, and is currently looking at new ways to develop weaponry, medication, and bodily protection for our Mercenaries in the field - for this however we require experienced and hard-working individuals who will be happy to go through a screening process and background check.

Arcon Corporation; meeting your needs, whatever they may be.
Arcon Corporation Application Form

Spoiler :
Please fill out this form to the most complete state you can.


Out of Character Information

Steam Name:
Steam ID:
Age (we will not hold this against you):
Hours on servers:
Amount of roleplay points:
Amount of bans:
Amount of blacklists:

In-Character Information:

Personal Information


First name:
Last Name:
Other names:
Date of birth:

Previous Employment

Duties Performed:
Reason for leaving:




Division you are applying for:
Experience in this field:
Why are you applying?:
Why should we pick you?:

The corporation will only review applications which have been completed to a high enough standard - if any section has been left out, then Corporation policy states that your application will not be reviewed.
[Image: 8UtzdI4.png]
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  • Huskii, Grunt

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RE: [Unofficial][Hiring] Arcon Corporation - by aDisabledDeer - 02-25-2016, 03:36 AM

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