Got banned for "FearRP , RDM x 2"
Me and my friend was looking for preident because of high taxes and stupid laws, so the President says in /Broadcast that he was at UM, so we go to UM, and we see some people and one of them saw me and walked over to me with a gun, and then I killed him with my crowbar, because I was afraid then another guy shooting at me and I kill him with my crowbar 2 seconds after pechvarry physgunned me to a place and said, "Reason" so I say "I was scared and killed the guy who pointed at me with a gun, and the other fired some shots at me," and he bans me right after

Banned by : [FL] Pechvarry
Reason : FearRP , RDM x 2
Ban ID : 4399

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Got banned for "FearRP , RDM x 2" - by PiqueRoz - 10-30-2011, 12:39 PM

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