My Second Unban Request Chow !
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Posting a second unban request shortly after the first one was denied
And Can i say hitman do not denie this please wait till a actual human being who understand and can discuss the situation reads is

Your name: Mr Chow Ling Ping (Hayden)

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:160232778

Your ban ID: 69893

Banned by: [FL] Hitman

Reason: I Was Banned For Alt Accounting Which I Fully Admit To . Through Me Being Knowledge Boss And Chow (But Not Aaron The Boss Master) I Want That Cleared Up Because If It Wasnt The Fact That No One Listened To Me Whatsoever then i wouldn't of had to make chow because all i wanted to do was play and have a good time with friends

Involved: Actually It was never discussed i was just told by another friend that i had been perma banned 

Why we should unban you: Because Right, i donated to the server showing that i love that server like alot , secondly all i wanted to do was play and have a good time with friends right , but then for me to be auto banned just for trying to play with friends is stupid i would understand a few days ban so we can resolve and talk but why are you banning me just for trying to play on your server - plus like i said last time AARON THE BOSS MASTER is Not me     that is my god damn Brothers Account And if you look back all the bans ive had either are just a mistake i made and that i appoligised about it im sick of this i just want to paly and have a good time on your server can someone please just help me ? and im not even a bad guy you can ask skummet and other admins ive never been disrespectfull to staff or anything .. yeah i might have came on another account but thats because i just wanted to have fun 

If you want anything else about me please ask Obi-Juan Kenobi,Judge Fudge, Joe Joe Binks , Danny fox , Connor Beddows) they will tell you anything about me because i play on your server with them 

Messages In This Thread
My Second Unban Request Chow ! - by MrChowLingPing - 02-18-2016, 08:38 PM
RE: My Second Unban Request Chow ! - by Hitman - 02-18-2016, 08:49 PM

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