Unban request - FrostyBurrito28 (#2)
(02-18-2016, 08:06 AM)NightHawkd Wrote: The thing is that you say that you spawned a dupe multiple times. Which would not be possible unless you waited for the pasting to be done each time. Also you state that the props were apparently removed. If that was so then it would have only spawned in what could have been and nothing more.

If that is actually the case, then I have no idea how I ended up crashing the serverĀ and it was completely accidental. I'm not sure what happened or even if the props were actually removed, I just wasn't able to find them. Because it was unintentional, and it has been a long time, I only ask for a lowered or removedĀ ban time. I know it won't happen again because now I have definitely learned my lesson. I didn't and still don't have a reason to crash the server and I never will. It was a large mistake and I very much regret the actions that led up to the server crash, although I'm not exactly sure on what happened. I would like to go back to roleplaying on the server because I still miss it and no other server can give the experiences this one does.

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RE: Unban request - FrostyBurrito28 (#2) - by FrostyBurrito28 - 02-18-2016, 04:26 PM

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