[Unofficial][Hiring] Arcon Corporation

Out of Character Information

Steam Name: MisfitGamesHD
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:98259691
Age: 14
Hours on servers: only 22 Minutes but there is alot more coming.
Amount of roleplay points: 0
Amount of bans: 0
Amount of blacklists: 0

In-Character Information:

Personal Information

First name: James
Last Name: Standen
Date of birth: 30/09/02
Gender: Male
Nationality: English

Previous Employment

Employer: N/A
Position: N/A
Duties Performed: N/A
Reason for leaving: N/A


Name: N/A
Title: N/A
Company: N/A


Division you are applying for: Arcon Science and Research
Experience in the division: None.
Why are you applying?: Because instead of wandering around on the server doing nothing I want be a part of something big and really make a difference.
Why should we pick you?: You should pick me because,allthough I dont have alot of hours on the server, I have been playing on Computers/Gaming for around 9 years now which shows that I will not need any types of "crash coursing" per say.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Unofficial][Hiring] Arcon Corporation - by Raven - 02-18-2016, 12:54 AM

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