Report: lord of the silver rings
Involved - was 1 of the rebels defending the base for the Raid against the Teacher group + the other rebels.

I only wanted to add this small bit of detail.

I am a 500 hour player, if i break the rules i expect the Backlash to be severe since i am accustomed and higher hour players should know better!

Thats kinda of the thing i think admins/mods etc see when giving punishment

but heres the deal

[Image: 2016_02_12_00001.jpg]

You guys see these 2 players with the red circles you can see that the player in question, Lord of the Silver Rings has more than double the hours of the player MisterD.

Yet both of them broke the rules even tho they were 2 diferent rules.

MisterD broke NLR when my group lost the against Jackz and the Rebels group he returned to the base i dont know for what reason since i kinda went on a diferent RP path after losing the raid!

And Lord of the Silver Rings, teamkilled or attempted to teamkill, and raided the base of his own by default group.

Even tho they are both breaking the Rules we can see which is the most severe rule break.

Yet this happened.

[Image: blacklist.png]

So MisterD that has 151 hours should know better and has a bigger punishement!

While Lord of the Silver Rings has a lighter punishment despite the fact that he broke a much severe rule while having 344 Hours

Not to mention that Team killing has always been alot more severely punished than it was this time. Thats why we think this punishment was extreamly unfair and Biased.

Messages In This Thread
Report: lord of the silver rings - by Clementio - 02-12-2016, 06:20 PM
RE: Report: lord of the silver rings - by Internet Explorer - 02-12-2016, 06:56 PM
RE: Report: lord of the silver rings - by Agorith - 02-13-2016, 01:15 PM
RE: Report: lord of the silver rings - by Agorith - 02-13-2016, 02:32 PM
RE: Report: lord of the silver rings - by Agorith - 02-13-2016, 03:23 PM

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