I am back once again (loosing track which time its now)
So, I am making one of these again. It seems that I have few month brakes very often. 

Anyways, I am TheSiphon, previously know as GibusScout (2014-2015) or sashow1000 (2012-2014) I started playing on Fearless RP in 2012 (joined forum in 2013), so that was about 4 years ago. 

I am a 15 year old beginner mapper and animator on the Source engine.  I am from Northern-Finland.
I am terrible at making these kind of threads...

Anyways, I hope to be able to play more on the server, but I need to be planning my Saxxy 2016 (Source animation contest) entry.
Well see you all on the server!
[Image: 8TTYBHM.png]

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I am back once again (loosing track which time its now) - by TheSiphon - 02-12-2016, 04:38 PM

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