Reporting xDeadShotx for: Random Kill, FailRP.
So... i will say something, too.
I was close to the lake house.

I will say something to the posts of Deadshot:

"I saw your druglabs inside the room"
How? You said you used your car to look into our house. Mhh but there was a car just in front of the house. In front of the main entrance. Under the window of the "drug lab-room"... there was now car. I saw it. And Marvin saw it. We were at the lake at this time.
And you cant see other Contra though the front window.

"And he tried to talk to me about raid. How he can know I raided his base ? It's simple, you said in TS or smth."
How he can know this? Well, i think at the same way like me. You burned... the house. Massive smoking above the house. Its was easy to see and Marvin decided to take a look. There is no reason to use Teamspeak. Marvin could see the raid without TS.

"I don't have any proof because[...]" Doesn't matter... you don't have any evidence against me, Marvin or thekalk.

"Also if you hit my head one time with crowbar..." I couldn't see this in the video of thekalk. There was no hitting with his crowbar. Maybe he wanted to open one of the big wooden boxes on the kitchenbar. Its a roleplay. Maybe he wanted to repair something in HIS house? Thats why he have the crowbar in his hands.

Also... please don't offend Thekalk with:
"If you learn the game mechanics maybe you can be a good player." or other allusions.

And another thing: If you were so scaryed about his crowbar, then you should put away your weapon and pray for mercy, shouldn't you?
As you described: Its a very dangerous weopon.

And what a coincidence... another player, we don't know, reported you, too. Weird, isn't it?

So... that's my part.


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RE: Reporting xDeadShotx for: Random Kill, FailRP. - by Kube008 - 02-05-2016, 11:49 AM

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