Reporting xDeadShotx for: Random Kill, FailRP.
Name of player: xDeadshotx

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:61684894
Time in GMT: 4.02.2016, 21:47 -> 9.47 exactly (fraps put it in the name)

Server: v33x


As seen in the Evidence, Mister xDeadShotx just randomly broke into our apartment. The Windows where shut as seen in the Video there was no clear sight on the Money Printers and the weed pots.

So I think he broke:
16.1 Do not steal or rob etc. without a valid roleplay reason.

14.4 You must have a valid reason to raid players, i.e. contraband, burglary, and needing to take hostages are all valid reasons.

and lastly:

4.1 Do not kill people randomly (RDM); only kill with a valid roleplay reason, for example protecting your property during a raid, killing when your demands are not honoured as Corleone, etc. Violence should always be the last option.

obviously Violence was his first option.


Please get him banned. Wasn't the first 'unclean' raid he did to me


Edit: If you need more information, feel free to ask in the reply section.
Just try to be nice. I don't want to attack you personally . You don't have to proof anything. It's just the Internet.
[Image: tumblr_n4b2hbIVAl1r7l27do1_500.jpg]

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Reporting xDeadShotx for: Random Kill, FailRP. - by thekalk - 02-04-2016, 10:17 PM

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