UBR Munky, Panda aka Dodido - Abysmal treatment.
I believe you have a personal problem against us since you give a 5 day ban to a person who has no ban history (Munky), and because of recent events where allegations of him cheating have risen, what you've said (quote: Impressed by your friend, Munky's, shooting skills.) it seems that you are hinting towards those allegations being correct, on top of this - "friendly" is not something you have been with us, approving the PR in under 2 minutes and completely ignoring, or overlooking, the context of our replies.

Now again, you've lost the plot, maybe on purpose, I wrote it very clearly that I tied the man up, then tranquilized and untied him, this isn't the first time you miss the point, so I will repeat it - He was untied and tranquilized, he wasn't taken hostage, the incident took 30 seconds at most and involved no mugging, ransoming, or hostaging of ANY sort.

I specifically asked for you not to reply on this unban request since you indeed have a bias towards us, and once again you keep stating that we've promoted aggressive RP and that it is a valid week long ban, I have never seen such bigotry and inequality, even if you consider the ban to be valid a week is absolutely insane, we have proven time and time again that we do not promote aggressive RP by our use of a tranquilizer and by the fact that we try to temporarily disable anyone who interferes with us rather than straight-up kill them, the evidence is at our favor and your point of view on this is obviously biased, in regards to both cases (The pool and the UM), we did everything in our power to not get into an aggressive situation in this highly sensitive environment we were in and it shows in the videos by our actions, we were trying to keep the lowest profile possible and the fact that the SRU found us just before we were about to move on does not justify us getting banned for "Deliberately promoting aggressive RP", we've never done that.

Now regardless if you agree that you are biased or not - I have requested this to be reviewed by someone else and not you, let someone else (Preferably more than one person) discuss this, since it is absolutely bogus and goes to show how fiercely you want players like us banned, especially Munky who has a flawless clean ban record, god knows why he got 5 whole days for not breaking a single rule, again, absolutely abysmal treatment.

Awaiting response from different administrators.

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RE: UBR Munky, Panda aka Dodido - Abysmal treatment. - by DoDiDoFTW - 01-24-2016, 05:49 PM

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