UBR Munky, Panda aka Dodido - Abysmal treatment.
Your name: Panda aka Dodido, and Munky.

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37746669 | STEAM_0:0:39043493

Your ban ID:
First ban request - 68209 Panda and Munky 5 days - link: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=68209
Second ban request - 68210 Panda ban extention (12 days total) - link: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=68210

Banned by: [FL] Infernaw

First ban request - Aggressive RP in PassiveRP area - 5 DAYS BAN (Munky and Panda aka Dodido)
Second ban request - Random Hostaging - Extended due overlapping ban (Extended due to current ban) (12 days total) (Panda)

Third BR (Has important video): http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=68208

Involved: Munky, Panda aka Dodido.

Why we should unban you:

First of all it is very unprofessional that we have not been given a proper hearing, this is called the courthouse for a reason - not the execution house.
The first player report was approved within 2 minutes of Its posting time, this is a very dire situation for me and for any staff member to put a member in, it is unprofessional and abhorring quite literally.

Over the course of 2 minutes we were banned for 5 days without any chance to say a word of our side of the story - Our side which is very logical and will show you that we are clear of any rule breakages in the rest of this post (Munky and Panda aka Dodido).

I'll start from the raid, we've just finished raiding a place in the radio tower and acquired 30 pots, which we loaded into my friend's van (Moon's van), we then drove to the UM where my friend Moon's van became bugged, and so we had to transfer the pots from my friend's van, to my van (Panda aka Dodido's van), this is when Random gamer came to us the first time (As you can see in the ban request which he posted http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php...210&page=2 ), over the course of 30 seconds, I tied him up to prevent him calling for backup, I've untied and tranquilized him as means for us to escape and for him to be maimed, he was not threatened in any way to pay ransom, he was not mugged, and he was not hostaged, nor did we have the intention of hostaging him. Period. This was ignored by the administrator Infernaw who replied over pm with:

"Perhaps you shouldn't break the rules so much that several reports about you are made.
I didn't ruin your weekend, you did it yourself. Smile"

As for my job being the wrong one, I will quote my post from the ban request

"As to the citizen part, I switched job from Criminal to gun dealer to citizen and I forgot to change my job to Criminal again, before I was a gun dealer - I was a Criminal, I never died between the switch from Criminal to gun dealer to Citizen, this was the same life - I was technically still a Criminal."

We continued to drive around, at this point we are in a highly sensitive situation with 30 pots in the back of my van driving around, and so we've decided to stop at the pool and think things over, what we'll do with the pots and where we will transfer them to.

I would like to mention the following:
1. We did not place any contrabands of any kind in the pool
2. All of the pots remained in the van and we stayed outside of the pool, discussing things between us.
3. We did not use the pool for anything illegal or aggressive on our own decision

Back to the story - we are standing outside the pool discussing what we should do next when a man pulls over in his vehicle and begins harassing us (The entire thing from his point of view can be seen here http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php...#pid547980 ), he was asked, not once and not twice and not three times to leave the area (Can be clearly seen in the video), in order to not promote aggressive RP I did not kill the man or shoot at him, but in this highly sensitive situation with 30 pots in the back of my van we had to get him out of the way somehow so that we can lay low until we move out, at this moment I took him into the pool, I was going to do the exact same thing I did with the SRU - tranquilize him and drive off, but as you can see in the video, about 50 seconds after getting him into the pool the SRU storms into the front door guns blazing and shoots us all to the ground.

So indeed, as you can see, we were not promoting any aggressive RP, in fact we were trying our best to avoid attracting any kind of attention to us, using a tranquilizer and non-lethal equipment, warning several times for the citizen to clear the area, to say we were deliberately promoting aggressive RP let alone BAN us for that (???), is a bogus and illogical claim that I have now proven wrong.

The SRU's are the ones who came to us, in the videos you see a very one-sided story of the incident, the fact that it was approved in under 2 minutes is very alarming, we are rule abiding players who seek to break the mold of aggressive RP.

As to the administrator who sent me the PM, the amount of player reports a player gets does not determine if they offended or not,
I am certain that the admin who issued all of the bans, whiffed through the ban requests so carelessly as to approve them and send us off on a 5 and 12 day ban in such a short period of time, is either favored towards the accusing player Random Gamer or has a personal problem with us, and so I request that this unban request will be handled by someone else, anyone but the administrator that goes by the name Infernaw.

As you can see in the PM she sent me, she is certain that we "Break the rules so much", this is not the way an administrator should treat players like us - who put a lot of thought into the actions we take on the server, to make sure we conduct our play time correctly.

On the off-chance that you don't agree with anything I wrote and you believe the ban is still valid, let me tell you this -
People who have offended much worse and actually based in the pool or tides hotel with contrabands have gotten one day, yet me and Munky got 5 days on the get-go, and my (Panda's) sentence was extended to 12 days for "Hostaging in a public area" - something which I never did, it was not a hostaging situation.

Again, I ask for anyone but Infernaw to review this unban request, I'll emphasize that I feel as if she has a personal problem against us, apart from my own feeling, her actions in this case are an abuse of power, but we'll keep that to a different thread, for now I want justice to be done - for us to get unbanned, or if you do not approve this - that the sentence be shortened as this is a bogus and unrealistic sentence.

*** Random Gamer seems to have removed the video from the first ban request, It's a video from the SRU's point of view barging into the pool, you can see the same video from the hostage's point of view, in more full detail, here. http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=68208 ***

Messages In This Thread
UBR Munky, Panda aka Dodido - Abysmal treatment. - by DoDiDoFTW - 01-23-2016, 04:46 PM

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