Scrake / SörlsselssönSpedeVesku
Sorry, I have been called to a backup at your gunshop but I did not shoot you only when i've seen you're taking out your gun! I shot with the gun with silencer! you can hear at the end of the video when you took out your gun. Btw This finnish guy is killing everyone on the server, And he told me he want to get banned. He already gave away his money and his things. So if I did a rulebreaking on this case, I have to apologise, But as I mentioned to you I have been called to a backup when i heard gunfire. I also heard your voice and I did not knew the reason why that other guy shoot you. And I only opened gunfire when I see that you took out your weapon. I have to apologise for it. I did not knew that guy just randomly shooting you.

Best regards. Scrake

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RE: Scrake / SörlsselssönSpedeVesku - by Scrake - 01-21-2016, 10:40 PM

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