Report: (Zabone) Tyler Terell
Name of player: OOC: Zabone, IC: Tyler Terell

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:25500349

Time in GMT: 01:40

Server: v2d

Summary: I was busy building something I don't even know what in my apartment, I figured I'd play at night because it's practically impossible to play with all the kids during the day, but oh boy I was wrong. It took no less than 15 minutes (of what my shadowplay saves) for me to get randomly raided by a SECURITY GUARD and then shot on sight. 

I tried my best to solve this in-game with the two administrators that you had in-game, but I guess they were either AFK or I was being neglected, so I figured a forum report would be wise.

This happens too often, it's very hard to enjoy a play session on Fearless because of players like this. It's difficult to understand how a player with 130+ hours on your server has such difficulties comprehending the rules that you've got in place.


[Image: 312ffda6a7.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Report: (Zabone) Tyler Terell - by Heinz Helmut - 01-20-2016, 01:59 AM
RE: Report: (Zabone) Tyler Terell - by Avgar - 01-20-2016, 06:53 PM

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