Unban request for Munky
(01-15-2016, 12:15 PM)SoulRipper Wrote: According to the enforcer of the ban, Miku, you said that no one ever played FL in your house. In your unban request you write that you share your connection with 5 other guys. This is a contradicting story.

If you don't know your housemates, the chance of them playing CityRP as well, is close to zero percent. CityRP is an unknown game.

We do have an IP match on you and ERADICATOR. Please answer the following questions:

- Have you ever used a proxy service?
- Have you told your housemates about CityRP?
- Have you had a friend in your house who has played CityRP on his account?

I'm aware of your flawless ban history and that you've been playing since 2011. I got informed by trust-able sources about it. An IP match is however something that needs to be investigated and can't simply randomly happen.
Hello soul, thank you very much for looking in my ubr.
The admins asked (I have a recording of this) - if I have ever played FL on my account in somebody else's house, if a friend ever played on my account in my house, if I had any LAN parties connected to fearless recently, and if I have any siblings or IRL friends who play FL, and to all four I answered no because It's the truth
I don't let anyone on my account since I don't trust them
I'm away from home for College studies and none of my IRL friends are here, my fearless friends are online, Now that being said,
- Have you ever used a proxy service?
No, nothing that I can remember

- Have you told your housemates about CityRP?
A LOT of my friends play CityRP as I am here since 2011, 2 of the 5 guys are living in my floor of the condo, we're not friends but we hang out sometimes playing mkx on my xbox and they know I game and play garrysmod since they have steam too, we're all college students and I have no control or connection with whoever lives in the downstairs floor (Or anyone else that connects to our network from next door), they could all be playing gmod as far as I know because I don't know them - but we're connected to the same network, and if they were connected to CityRP on line (On our network) it most likely logged one of them, they also invite other students over and generally we're all gamers in my college.
- Have you had a friend in your house who has played CityRP on his account?
I've had friends from college come to sleep over my room with their laptops before and they have gmod yet I don't know if they play CityRP, I know for sure they have never played on my own account, but if they were connected to CityRP on line (On my network) it most likely logged one of them.
I want to add, I don't cheat and I never will cheat on CityRP I love that mode to death, as you said I've been here since 2011 and I have flawless history and no reason to break any rules, I am certain I'm innocent in this case and that all of this was brought onto me but It's not my wrong-doing It's someone else's, I've been playing a LOT for the past 5 months and many people who know me can tell you I'm NOT a rule breaker and I'm a good Roleplayer, I hate this ban it does not fit a player like me, I understand there was an IP match but by the evidence that's put infront of you it is reasonable to assume that a clean history player who's been here since 2011 and a good Roleplayer like me has credibility when I'm telling you that I did not double account.

Messages In This Thread
Unban request for Munky - by DoDiDoFTW - 01-14-2016, 11:23 PM
RE: Unban request for Munky - by Scrake - 01-14-2016, 11:43 PM
RE: Unban request for Munky - by SoulRipper - 01-15-2016, 12:15 PM
RE: Unban request for Munky - by Astari - 01-15-2016, 11:10 PM
RE: Unban request for Munky - by DoDiDoFTW - 01-16-2016, 12:38 AM
RE: Unban request for Munky - by ShadowPurple - 01-20-2016, 12:56 PM

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