Report: [FL:RP]NιgнтSтrιĸer
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Time in GMT
10-1-2016  17:45 GMT+1 Dutch time


My friend's car was impounded, So we went to pick it up. I paid for the car and while my friend DooZ was getting his car out of the garage a SRU ran inside and arrested me without warning or speaking a word. He wouldnt let me explain or anything. Theres 2 points i wanted to make:
1. Since i paid for the car to be released i was definately authorized to be inside
2. I wasnt in the ''authorized personal only'' area (There was a note saying that behind the fence was only for authorized personal but the place i was in was public domain), So what i was doing wasnt tresspassing.


Sign saying authorized personal only:
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Report: [FL:RP]NιgнтSтrιĸer - by CarpeDiem - 01-10-2016, 05:11 PM

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