hello i have been hacked
I've had my account for years now. I don't have a super special password, but it's enough to beat out brute force attempts or word breaker programs. Sure, it's still beatable, but short of keylogging it's going to be a pain. The way I find most people end up hacked is they either log into the wrong place with their information, or went to someplace 3rd party to get something like cheats/hacks/trainers and got nailed through the program or content with the logger. If your service can be remote accessed, don't think for a second that you are the only one who can access that. Steam has a lot of holes too, so don't friend or even message people you don't know, as they can easily do all sorts of bad things to you from DDoS, to straight jack your account login information. It's complicated, but easily possible, and sadly it happens all the time. Set dem profiles to friend only unless you need it to be public. That will slow them down. Keep your inventory and anything else you can set to friends or even private, makes you less of a target as they don't want to break into everyone, just people who have shit they want. My two cents.

Messages In This Thread
hello i have been hacked - by goigle! - 01-09-2016, 05:16 PM
RE: hello i have been hacked - by User 14519 - 01-09-2016, 05:56 PM
RE: hello i have been hacked - by goigle! - 01-09-2016, 07:13 PM
RE: hello i have been hacked - by Astari - 01-09-2016, 06:52 PM
RE: hello i have been hacked - by Ali - 01-09-2016, 06:56 PM
RE: hello i have been hacked - by Emil - 01-09-2016, 07:08 PM
RE: hello i have been hacked - by summotion - 01-09-2016, 08:24 PM
RE: hello i have been hacked - by Old Man Jokhah - 01-10-2016, 12:22 AM
RE: hello i have been hacked - by Old Man Jokhah - 01-10-2016, 12:25 AM
RE: hello i have been hacked - by User 14519 - 01-10-2016, 11:41 AM
RE: hello i have been hacked - by goigle! - 01-10-2016, 11:18 PM
RE: hello i have been hacked - by Old Man Jokhah - 01-10-2016, 09:05 PM

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