goigle is really not a homophobe
Your name: goigle

Your blacklist ID: 65418

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:35700982

Reason: "homophobic slur in OOC"

Staff member who blacklisted you: [FL:M] Hitman

Reason why you should be unblacklisted:

[quote='Previous UBLR']

I was not being "homophobic" and gay is not a "homophobic slur." I put literal in my comment for a reason. My roommates are literally gay and were literally having gay sex in the room adjacent to mine and it was loud and was disturbing me, hence the comment. I don't dislike them but ANYONE would complain if two people (any gender combination, even straight) are having loud nasty sexy in the room next to you (they were screaming I actually went out to check if everything was ok which was awkward as fuck that's why I made the ooc comment).

This blacklist honestly makes no sense. Gay is not a "homophobic slur", if it was why would people that support gay rights and other related rights make an acronym including gay in it? (LGBT)


Additionally, there were these threads adding in the community's input:
2nd Page on this thread: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=65847
This entire thread (and poll): http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=65700

A quote from an ex-administrator (pulled from the first link)

The lack of basis the staff have for this blacklist is, in one aspect quite amusing. Can it not be admitted here that the argument for the blacklist is rather flaky with no actual standing behind it?

Taking his comments as derogatory is really pushing it and quite immature from the staff members involved. Honestly, there's nothing wrong admitting that a blacklist or ban was wrong and removing it. Plenty of times I have, and many good staff members removed bans to keep things as fair and just as possible.

It is very likely privately messaging this request, it will be ignored and brushed under - where as here it is more transparent.

The actual definition of the word gay is not vulgar or derogatory in the slightest: "(of a person, especially a man) homosexual" or "carefree/happy". We know it was not the latter one, but even so; saying someone is gay is not homophobic - especially as from what it looks like that Goigle said, it is factual. It is a fact that they are gay. He was stating a fact and how that can be construed as homophobic is beyond me.

Additionally, the reason the supervising admin put for denying the original thread means he either:
  1. Did not watch the video he linked
  2. Did not read the UBLR
Quote from the video:

Don't say gay when you mean something is dumb or stupid, it's insulting

As my roommates are in fact gay, the video is irrelevant.  Additionally, Grub was talking about "facts"

It was used in a derogatory sense. That is blatantly obvious and one cannot ignore the facts here. /quote]

Your interpretation of text is not fact.
Here are some facts:
  • The overwhelming majority of users in an anonymous poll said that they do not think my comment was homophobic
  • A community member who is a member of the LGBT community said they do not take offense to the comment
The rule is obviously there to prevent the community from being offended and does not mention the use of the word gay specifically.
There was no @ call made and none of the staff on at that time are homosexual. If no one complained about the comment, why should one persons incorrect interpretation be used as fact? A super admin literally said that staff interpretation and opinion is fact.

(no idea why the quotes are showing up incorrectly - they look fine in the editor)
[Image: nypdcruiser.gif]

Messages In This Thread
goigle is really not a homophobe - by goigle! - 01-08-2016, 05:21 PM
RE: goigle is really not a homophobe - by Suarez - 01-08-2016, 06:01 PM
RE: goigle is really not a homophobe - by Hitman - 01-08-2016, 07:34 PM
RE: goigle is really not a homophobe - by goigle! - 01-08-2016, 07:37 PM
RE: goigle is really not a homophobe - by Viljo - 01-08-2016, 10:08 PM

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