Unban Request for Dr.Peanuts.
Hello Dear friends and FL staff.

The next is a unban request for member Dr.Peanut.
Hello dear admins.

Today i've been banned for a reason that I dont think is righteous.

I have been playing as a cop, as usual, I was watching over the city and shit, I RP'd and had a great time. I tried to finish building up my barricade, when MANY earthquakes have occured.
I was saying in the OOC, "This isn't turkey, sheesh, Please stop the earthquakes, It's america." I wasn't even joking! Pechvarry told me, And what IF it was turkey here? I said i'll just quit.
He said, Why? I answered him I dont know, i just dont like it. He went saying stuff like Why?, I didnt answer because i dont like to involve politics in my gaming experience. I'm here to have
fun, not to argue. He told me, "Come on peanut, tell me, I thought we had a convo here Sad D:", I replied: "Gosh, Lucy, i am too busy and have stuff to do rather than argue." I was JOKING,
which doesnt really matter because i wasn't banned for that. I was referring to him as "Lucy", because women usually talk like that, hehe. Anyways, as i said that, he banned me for a
WEEK, for "Laughing on a tragedy", I dont think that i laughed AT ALL, earthquakes are a serious no matter where or when, plus, even if someone would laugh at that I am SURE he would
be banned for a short period of time.

Anyways, i dont care, unban me or not, this is not right and the all of us know it.

My ban ID: 4267

My Name: [FL:RP] Dr. Peanut

Story is up there yo.

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request for Dr.Peanuts. - by CrAzyWirE - 10-24-2011, 03:08 PM
RE: Unban Request for Dr.Peanuts. - by Pechvarry - 10-24-2011, 05:54 PM

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