Your name: FiELDY-

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:60344235

Your ban ID: 68674

Banned by: [FL] Pear

Reason: 'Major Player Disrespect'

Involved: Me and Hogas

Why we should unban you: Well, as Pear already knows, I'm 'The Guy who gets Triggered over Nothing' and well this another case of me going to the slight extreme.

As some of you may know about a week ago I got banned for the exact same reason and well I would I have kind of learnt my lesson. See, well I have a slight trouble venting my anger and I have some quite private things going on in my life so over the pask few days I've been getting stressed (I am willing to disscuss if any staff are wanting to know) and I've been lashing out at not just people on FL but in Real Life and I know what I've done was wrong, and kinda Inhuman, but you got to understand that what I did was just a relapse.

I'm sorry to Hogas and I did not mean to offend you. I said what I said because you have broken NLR, shot me and took my car because I demoted you. Even though my reason may have not be justified.

If your not going to remove my ban I'm requesting that you either shorten it or give me a BL as I really enjoy playing Fearless RP and hope to return the community soon!

If you do choose to unban me I'll try my hardest to stop myself and hope to never get banned for the same reason again.

Messages In This Thread
UBR for FiELDY - by fieldy - 12-31-2015, 08:39 PM
RE: UBR for FiELDY - by Pear - 12-31-2015, 09:55 PM

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