Report UKIP
Report: <UKIP>

Name of player: (Matthew Dawn [UKIP])

SteamID: (STEAM_0:1:97183534)

Time in GMT: (17:25)

Server: (v33)

Summary: (The user started by approaching me for money, I declined giving him this several times. Then the user started prop pushing my car until it exploded. He then proceeded to harass me by prop killing me and other players. He then finished by prop flying his way to the heavens. Because of all this I  feel this person should be banned.)

Evidence: I grabbed evidence as best as I could through screen shots as I wasn't recording at the time. Sorry if it isn't enough. I hope you can see enough through this to get this guy what he deserves. Angry

But happy RP to all the good guys out there.
Regards, Roar Smile

1. Prop Kill:
[Image: 7A2E7CB3B932949B0ACF9820BA177B9F9853EE67]

2. Proof of player/Prop flying:[Image: E0AA8E3BEEE138ED32EA8621647CEE75668C86A1][Image: 0AEF6AD4C3D61119ADCD60A77E74D8EAE6ECDFE0]

Messages In This Thread
Report UKIP - by roaringren - 12-30-2015, 05:45 PM
RE: Report UKIP - by Rylund - 12-31-2015, 12:29 AM
RE: Report UKIP - by ShadowPurple - 12-31-2015, 12:49 AM

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