Random Raid by the SRU at 26-12-2015
Murdoker here, I was just wondering where in the video the raid is happening? As far as I see we're just standing around outside your place. The SRU sergeant (Foxirius) told us to come visit the corleones, as they realeased a lot of prisoners. When we get there he asks you something and you start telling us that we are random raiding and you are recording etc etc. As far as I know, atleast i didnt do anything wrong, I even stepped back as soon as you started yelling out random raid. After this another corleone member broke FearRP just for the reason that we all ''random raided''.

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RE: Random Raid by the SRU at 26-12-2015 - by Gadesa - 12-26-2015, 03:42 PM

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