What are your rights in an admin situation?
It's admin abuse if the staff doesn't punish the person because they're friends
It's admin abuse if  the staff is bullshitting, lying to get you banned
You can already request to bring proof in if you ask politely. and not yell. Just the same as cops, if you talk calm with them they will grant you your wish, if you rage, yell they won't.

But yeah, I do think we should have a page that says the Rights you got. But It's kinda simple no? Talk and provide evidence to not get banned, Ignore and Don't provide evidence (Or defend) to get banned?

And most staff have different opinions, just ask permission from one, and if a staff talks to you about it, is trying to punish you you can just tell them ...(Staff) gave me permission.
Kind Regards
Lucifer, your private demon.

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RE: What are your rights in an admin situation? - by Demonic - 12-23-2015, 02:28 AM

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