PR on Mouises
Name of player: Mouises

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47547199

Time in GMT
22:26 GMT+1
We raided a place that was extremely hard to raid, then we realized why afterwards when the raid was finished. 
There was places where you had to jump over to be able to get through, and a thing that could be used to force people to crouch(which was fadable only from the inside).

Making people crouch with that prop, makes it hard to burst through with alot of people at the same time, and with them standing at the barriers inside the room there is a way for them to kill 1 attacker at a time while the attackers slowly makes their way through the door opening one at a time...

This was per definition a doomfort, and his response when confronted was that "he was building", which i believe was completely made up as he was being raided, if it is a doomfort when he is raiding, he's supposed to delete it(spam Z) not keep it and then finish the build. Although this build seemed like it was intentionally built this way, and looked finished.

This player has almost 500hrs on the server, and should know about this rule. This would have not been an issue if he didnt start insulting me when confronted, this is why i took the time to make this BR.


Will be uploading an additional piece of video.

Messages In This Thread
PR on Mouises - by rand0m0mg - 12-16-2015, 09:45 PM
RE: PR on Mouises - by rand0m0mg - 12-16-2015, 10:05 PM
RE: PR on Mouises - by Hitman - 12-19-2015, 10:26 PM
RE: PR on Mouises - by Pear - 12-20-2015, 12:18 PM

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