Shadow Knights Unban Request
Your name: Shadow Knight (new name)

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:91142465

Your ban ID: 66530

Banned by: [FL:M] Pear

Reason: Randomly crashing into a vehicle, CDM.

Involved: A cop but I don't know his ign

Why we should unban you: well i have been banned for a while and ik i have done some bad things and created a bad reputation so now i would like to get unbanned because i have changed i have changed my name and want to be  a new person i will not break rules any more please accept this if not please consider lowering it from permanent 

Messages In This Thread
Shadow Knights Unban Request - by Shadow Knight - 12-13-2015, 08:01 PM
RE: Shadow Knights Unban Request - by Tomo - 12-13-2015, 08:15 PM
RE: Shadow Knights Unban Request - by Viljo - 12-14-2015, 07:55 AM
RE: Shadow Knights Unban Request - by Viljo - 12-14-2015, 05:15 PM
RE: Shadow Knights Unban Request - by Viljo - 12-14-2015, 05:15 PM

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