Help with Steam workshop [+GIVEAWAY]
Greetings FL,

Long story - short, I will require assistance searching for workshop files; in return, I will pay handsomely.

For my Media Studies coursework I will be creating a 'storyboard' in which I've decided to make through ragdoll posing in Gmod. However, I can't seem to find the relevant workshop content that I require; and with this communities expertise in RP and Gmod itself - I believe this was the best place to approach. All help is greatly appreciated but nevertheless I am willing to pay with in-game essentials.

I am willing to give up to 350 units of inventory space to whomever manages to give me the relevant workshop content that I require (It doesn't have to be exact - it can be similar)

The following workshop files/content that I will require assistance in finding are:

  1. Darkroom in a map (Those used in photograph developing)
  2. Photograph developing equipment props (e.g. Photograph films, rope with clips, Developing trays, Tongs)

Many thanks!

Messages In This Thread
Help with Steam workshop [+GIVEAWAY] - by Jericho - 12-06-2015, 10:16 PM

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