[Unofficial] The Syndicate [RECRUITING] [Professional RP]

Hi Dermy, 

Thank you for your application to The Syndicate, I am very impressed with the way you structured your answers and within moments recognized your enthusiasm to join our organisation. 

I would like to formally invite you to joining our Engineering Team. This does not mean you will be confined to building as we do also include all members in a variety of role-plays. 

The Engineering Team is commanded by Barry, so he will be your direct line manager. I understand and appreciate your request to not be an entry level builder however your skills will need to be assessed before we can approve full engineer status, I'm sure this won't be difficult with your skill-set!

I am sure our experiences ahead will be very delightful, great to have you on board.


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RE: [Unofficial] The Syndicate [RECRUITING] [Professional RP] - by Mike - 12-02-2015, 04:37 PM

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