[Unofficial] The Syndicate [RECRUITING] [Professional RP]
Steam name: Dermy

Character name:
Greg Holmes

Hours played (
BELOW 100 will not be accepted):  963 Hrs

Role-Play Points (RPP):  6

Do you have a working microphone and TeamSpeak? (required to join):
Yes, I have a fully functional headset and my own TS server, if required.

Age (we will not hold this against you):

Last clan and why you left:
SlyFox Security. I had left the clan due to my Inactivity but now I'm back. I was one of the founding members and was Head of Security and Special Unit.

Preferred RP (passive/aggressive) and why:
This is a hard one because I like both in their own way. I enjoy a passive rp with a good productive basis behind it but when it comes down to aggressive rp, I'm a quick-thinker, precision shooter and goal-concentrated.

What your ideal job role would be within our organisation (you may suggest a new one):
Although I enjoy agent work and being assigned operations, I also am a keen builder with great architectural mindset in making sophisticated military-grade structures. In saying this I would like to become an engineer and given my prior experience hopefully not as an entry-level engineer.

Why you would be suited for this specific role:
As mentioned before I was a higher-up in the SF clan, along with that, I was in a few other clans including Blackwatch and the Lombardi's many months ago. I would be happy to demonstrate my building capabilities.

What could you bring to The Syndicate:
I am a respectable player with the skills and authority to lead and to follow. What I bring is a shining example of what all your agents could be like.

Are you able to type using correct spelling and grammar?:
You've probably assumed yes by this point.

Have you read the rules of Fearless? (We will report & kick members who break them):
Yes I've read and re-read the rules.

What is your interpretation of 'respect for authority':
Respect for authority is a key fundamental to any person(s). Authority is necessary for there to be laws and regulations and authority comes from respect. Respect of the underlings to any high authoritative power that is. That being said, I believe this fundamental applies greatly to a corp like this as there must be a chain of command.

Availability (weeknights, weekends etc):
Weekdays 6pm+(BST) (maybe). Some weekends.

Please tell us what you would do in the following scenario: You are appointed a role of diplomatic protection, this means that your job is to solely protect The Director & The President. During your duties, an unforeseen event occured and The Director is held at gun point by a criminal gang member just down the road from The Syndicates head office. You are the only guard present standing behind The Director - how would you handle the situation? (please think outside the box, this is to test your roleplay and quick thinking)

Under the assumption that a situation like this would unfold under my watch I would do anything to ensure the safety of the Director/President, whilst on guard for any opportunity to make a call to fellow agents for assistance or to taker control of the situation until it has been resolved. E.g. If the gunman had asked me to do something with a threat against the directors life if I disobeyed, then I would undoubtedly do as he commanded.

I hope I have satisfied all the questions on this application and look forward to hearing from you.

With Regards,

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RE: [Unofficial] The Syndicate [RECRUITING] [Professional RP] - by Dermy - 12-02-2015, 04:06 PM

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