BR triplefakeryt | translater needed
Not Involved: Translating at the request of the staff team

/pm to triplefakeryt: I do not get it
/pm to triplefakeryt: Why have you now got a new account
/pm to triplefakeryt: ?

PM triplefakeryt: Where do you know that I'm still using my old account?
Roughly transalted: How do you know it's me?

/pm to triplefakeryt: voice Cheese

PM triplefakeryt: But what if I'm his brother?

/pm to triplefakeryt: Still agree
I still think it's your voice

PM triplefakeryt: I don't mind either way

/pm to triplefakeryt: Wait I want to understand why you'd need a new account
/pm to triplefakeryt: I think I was brain afk
Broken German

PM triplefakeryt: Book on mechanic shop or gun shop or so
Broken German

/pm to triplefakeryt: Wait I want to understand why you'd need a new account
/pm to triplefakeryt: Then we can

PM triplefakeryt: we meet BSA
Roughly translated: we meet at back street apartments

/pm to triplefakeryt: ?

PM triplefakeryt: back street apartments

Voice chat
Broken down into a simple description:

Triplefakeryt tells Robbtja that he was banned and asks Robbtja if he knew why

Robbtja: Why?
Robbtja: No I do not know

Triplefakeryt says that he got banned for scamming

Robbtja: Scamming?

Triplefakeryt explains his ban in length and why he got banned, saying that he in essence made a deal with someone that went bad and he ended up getting banned for it, so he had to make a new account to come on

Robbtja: ah ok
[Image: 8UtzdI4.png]

Messages In This Thread
BR triplefakeryt | translater needed - by Robbtja - 11-13-2015, 06:14 PM
RE: BR triplefakeryt | translater needed - by aDisabledDeer - 11-13-2015, 09:40 PM

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