[Unofficial] The Syndicate [RECRUITING] [Professional RP]

Application Template:

Steam name: IpkModzI
Character name: Peter Griffin
Hours played: 16 hours
Do you have a working microphone and TeamSpeak? (required to join): I only have mic.
Age (we will not hold this against you): 13
Last clan and why you left: I had no other clan.
Preferred RP (passive/aggressive) and why: I am mostly passive because people do not get on my nerves a lot.
What your ideal job role would be (you may suggest a new one): Syndicate.
Why you would be suited for this specific role:to promote a common interest.
What could you bring to The Syndicate: I don't understand this question.
Are you able to type using correct spelling and grammar?: I would say my grammar is 95% correct sometimes, but mostly 100%.
Have you read the rules of Fearless? (We will report & kick members who break them): Yes and I will obey them.
What is your interpretation of 'respect for authority': If this is a criminal clan I would say 10% If not 100%.
Availability (weeknights, weekends etc): Every day Mondays to Friday i go offline at 10:30 but weekends around 2:00 in morning.


I would say sir, please can you leave the building (If he dose not) I would give him another chance if he dose not again then I would get permission off the president to jail him.

"Please copy the above application template into your reply and fill it out accordingly."

Declined, for Irregularity's in answers (complete with possible Trolling), failure to understand some questions (I'll be honest It 'ant looking good if you cant even understand the form), Lack of NECESSARY Teamspeak, failing to properly follow the The above request.

However I will allow you to apply again, if you are serious about this application feel free to ask for some help.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Unofficial] The Syndicate [RECRUITING] [Professional RP] - by ltblackcoat - 11-07-2015, 07:59 PM

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