[Unofficial] The Syndicate [RECRUITING] [Professional RP]
Steam name: [FL:RP] Random Gamer

Character name: Nick 'Random' Olsen

Hours played:404hr 19mins

Do you have a working microphone and TeamSpeak? (required to join): Yes

Last clan and why you left: The last clan i was in was a military clan, i was in it ages ago, but the reason i quit was because it was poorley made, and barely any action

Preferred RP (passive/aggressive) and why: I like to try passive, but if it doesnt work, i can/will change over to aggresive. I like to negotiate and ETC.
And also it fits better for the RP point of view to play more passive.

What your ideal job role would be (you may suggest a new one): Security officer: Mainly because i like keeping people safe, but i can also talk to people, and make them get out of the building/area if they disturb us WITHOUT getting agressive.

Why you would be suited for this specific role: Like i said earlier, I like to keep people safe, when i play normal in CityRP im usually SRU/Security Guard.

What could you bring to The Syndicate: As a clan i could bring a good community and a good Security officer, aswell as a friendly and good enviroment, as i like to meet and get to know new people.

Are you able to type using correct spelling and grammar?: Yes indeed.

Have you read the rules of Fearless? (We will report & kick members who break them): Yea, no bans on my current record.

What is your interpretation of 'respect for authority': That we should NOT disrespect the goverment (Cops, SRU, ETC) but be friendly towards them, and not do any agressive movements (raiding, killing, robbing ETC)

Availability (weeknights, weekends etc): Im pretty much on every single day, from when I come home from Uni, and in the weekends when i wakeup.

Please tell us what you would do in the following scenario:

You are a member of Syndicate Security, posted to the lobby and your aim is to keep the staff safe and keep the lobby controlled. An intoxicated citizen enters the lobby and begins shouting at the receptionist about how he has a meeting with the Director and refuses to leave until he gets his meeting.

What would be your approach to this situation?

I would talk to the man/woman and try to calm them down, and bring them away from the rest of the people that are there. I would not have them under gunpoint as that might frighten other people in the area.
[Image: CYCeH3i.png]

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RE: [Unofficial] The Syndicate [RECRUITING] [Professional RP] - by Random - 10-24-2015, 11:22 PM

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