UBR For [FL:RP] Mike / [FL:RP] Mike Myres
User has been warned for this post. Reason:
Whether the ban is justified or not I feel the situation and person involved should have been taken into account a little more than it was. This is a VERY cloudy rule in my opinion, meaning people have to measure walls from their own doing and determine whether it brakes the rules.

Another problem I see is the fact the base was more than raidable, in fact we had multiple attackers gain entry from different angles before. The wall height really didn't prove a challenge for any of the raids we had, nor did we receive any complaints. I feel a 24 hour ban, for something you simple could have said 'Hey push this down with the precision tool a few times, it's above 4PHX' is way too long.

It was a simple mistake, and was not intended yet it feels like Mike has been treat like some 'minge' and got 24 hours. A little harsh in my opinion, but that's just my 2 cents.

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RE: UBR For [FL:RP] Mike / [FL:RP] Mike Myres - by DVN - 10-23-2015, 07:55 PM

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