3 BR on: Adrej
Name of player: Adrej


Time in GMT:

1. 19:40 GMT Try to kill president as officer
2. 19:44 GMT broke FearRP
3. 19:38 GMT killed a Person as officer

Server: v33x

1. Try to kill the president as Police officer
2. Tresspass Nexus Garage and didnt stop running away of me. The officer allways tried to
help him to run away and said 100 time "random Arrest". Anyway - broke FearRP
3. I was arresting a Person who was on the ground. He shot this Person in the head, that i cant
Arrest him. He tried to hide in the bush after he killed him as an Police officer...

Its not fun, when People do shit like this. He and his friend swägrid broke so many rules together,
i hope they will get banned for a Long time....


Messages In This Thread
3 BR on: Adrej - by Badl - 10-18-2015, 08:10 PM
RE: 3 BR on: Adrej - by Falc - 10-19-2015, 02:09 PM
RE: 3 BR on: Adrej - by NightHawkd - 10-19-2015, 06:30 PM

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