Report : sfg
Thread Title: Report: sfg

Name of player: sfg

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:101753608

Time in GMT: 03:01

Server: v2d

Summary: Well i saw him with a weapon (not in the Video) so i asked him to stop so i can check him he ran away pulled out a weapon on me (he was under FearRP) and killed me randomly.

2.1 You must follow FearRP. Your character must act afraid of life-threatening situations or of any weapons pointed at you.
2.1d If someone switches from a gun to handcuffs/rope in order to detain you, FearRP still applies.
4.1 Do not kill people randomly (RDM); only kill with a valid roleplay reason, for example protecting your property during a raid, killing when your demands are not honoured as Corleone, etc. Violence should always be the last option.


Messages In This Thread
Report : sfg - by DreeBott - 10-16-2015, 01:20 AM
RE: Report : sfg - by goigle! - 10-16-2015, 03:00 AM
RE: Report : sfg - by Viljo - 10-16-2015, 11:24 AM

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