Report: [FL:RP] JerryCat
Regarding the weapon pull, I admit that I pulled a gun on the police officers, though my character was protecting his family from the police brutality that was being displayed by the officers, such as my character's pregnant wife being cuffed and put into the back of a police car. They were the only government people online, so there was no president to file complaint with. I felt the only option at the time was to resort to force. Though I did pull a pistol on the police officers, it was not as if I had pulled a military grade machine gun on them, it was a pistol, such as one that would be available to be bought at a gun store by someone who wanted something for self defense. The actions that were displayed by myself may have been a bit too aggressive, I will admit that, but they were not completely unwarranted due to the fact that my character was only looking to defend his family from the brutality of these police officers.

Regarding the job title, I do acknowledge the fact that the job title that I had on at the time was too vague to encompass the type of role play I was engaging in.

Looking back on the situation, I know that I did the wrong thing in this situation and could very well have taken a different approach to how I handled things. I will accept any punishment that the administration sees fit to give me for my actions.

Messages In This Thread
Report: [FL:RP] JerryCat - by Coded Brain - 10-10-2015, 04:19 AM
RE: Report: [FL:RP] JerryCat - by Suarez - 10-11-2015, 08:59 AM
RE: Report: [FL:RP] JerryCat - by Jerrycat - 10-11-2015, 09:37 AM
RE: Report: [FL:RP] JerryCat - by Suarez - 10-11-2015, 10:07 AM
RE: Report: [FL:RP] JerryCat - by NightHawkd - 10-11-2015, 04:47 PM

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