Budy & Rims | Ban Request
User has been warned for this post. Reason: Other 1 Point
(10-08-2015, 04:17 PM)Suarez Wrote: Player report reviewed and approved.

Closing notes: User(s) Budy and Rims were found guilty of randomly shooting at other players. User(s) will both receive 1 day suspensions for their actions.

[FL:M] Sgt. Suarez
Fearless Moderation Team

I had this response already ready, but as Kahjo tried to convey, we were waiting for Budy's forum ban to be removed so we could actually defend ourselves. I guess Suarez sees this as unreasonable(?)

This quote is made from Budy at his bequest.

 "The video shows we accidentally did 6% damage in one shot to you, likely a ricochet, nevertheless apologies for accidentally hitting you once. 
You can see in the video I erect a fence to try and avoid this after I realised it was happening (the new guns interact differently with props than the old ones).
We also laid out safety lines and ceased shooting if someone ran onto the range. We were quite vigourous with our safety precedures.

4.2 - We made a firing range, that is a valid rp reason to shoot a gun at a target. 

6.4 - We owned the used car dealer, which your video neglected to show. We built out the front of that and didnt block the other buildings
A staff member came along when we had the issue of the garbage which was promptly fixed, the staff member saw no other issues with our RP.
9.1 - My job was a guild title as it was a guild owned firing range, Rims was just a participant at the range (which was open to all citizens). 
After you complained, we changed job titles to avoid confusion.

It is clear that this BR is just an angry revenge attempt after we posted a BR on yourself. There were plenty off staff online, and as we see in the video one was actually watching the RP, yet saw no issue with what we did.
Apologies again for the 6% in one shot, accidents happen. I will be more than willing to give you a health pack in game to compensate."

Now this is from me. 

 I'll begin by destroying your video bit by bit.
"0:09: They began to shoot down at the firing range spraying bullets everywhere and I was hit."

Guns? At a firing range? I like your use of the word "Everywhere" when you get hit once by a richochet wall-bang for 6 hp. You're already trying to exaggerate and twist shit. Budy even put up a fence to reduce this sort of thing before you guys even came over, and before we even had confirmation that we hit anyone at all. You aint finna bring dis up doe fam.

"3:40: Rims being a citizen and Budy having a clan alias. A firing range branded "FIRING RANJ" without proper branding of the Thieves Guild is not a valid RP reason to shoot in this case and counts as FailRP."

Um.. what? Citizens can target shoot. Evocity takes place in America, after all. I was simply a customer at a gun range ran by Budy, who was Thieves Guild. Where is the offense?  We still changed our jobs on the scene, because you brought it up in Local OOC, regardless of this BR being posted.

"3:55: I come to the realization that they do not own all the doors at this place and I state it as public building."

Ah, yes. The classic "I think it, so it is" technique you've been shown to use everywhere you can. The entrance to the dealership complex (Appartments, that middle room, and the used car) was not blocked at all. You all managed to walk into it and even drive into it without a single prop (Save some no-collided garbage) from stopping you. It was not a base.  At 5:55 of your video, you yourself buy the door. Why would you buy that? Could it be to actively deny us from even buying the doors so you could make another point in this BR? Lmfao. Also, we owned the Used Car doors, which we were right infront of. We covered our bases there.

"6:03: Frozen props had been placed on the entrance road to the public buildings that were not owned by Budy and/or Rims which blocked access of the vehicle."

Desperation is an ugly creature. You can clearly see an admin on the screen when it's removed and they did nothing. Nobody prompted you to post this BR. You're grasping at straws. Garbage is the best defense after all.

"7:00: they begin to hint at why they've created this dupe and why they are shooting."

uhh. If it's not clear we were making a political statement from the very beginning then.... lmao. We made the dupe to teach you guys accuracy and shit, because it's been made obvious you need the training.

And this is my favorite part of your BR. Get some popcorn.  

"Summary: In retaliation to a Ban Request against me that was originally denied by a moderator, Rims and Budy had created a dupe which was blatantly aimed towards our base where we were. The video evidence will explain a lot but I will point out some key moments.

I laughed at this for like 5 minutes. The only reason this BR exists is because YOU performed an act of retaliation. Lmao. The irony is just so thick and rich, you could drizzle it over pancakes. You posted this BR while ducking the request of posting a video on a completely seperate incident by multiple staff. and instead you've made a counter-BR on us. How utterly beautiful has this become? We're the ones retaliating? Oh god, please never change Awestruck. You've been an endless source of amusement.

Now onto my video :p


You can see we were actually hitting the target and stuff and genuinely RPing the range. The only time things get crazy is when we attempt hip firing @ 26 seconds, for example. The new guns have horribad hip-fire and ricochet is back in the game, which probably explains why you were hit in general. 

Also, if we're being super minges to the point where 6 people are surrounding us with Fraps, why join us in shooting the targets? lmfao seems pretty hypocritical to report us for something that you yourself are shown doing in yours and my own videos.

In both mine and Awestruck's videos, you see admins in the actual frames. They were around. They made 0 attempts to contact admins in-game, instead they huddle around us with cameras and fraps on, in a desperate attempt to get forum bait for a retaliatory BR. The fact that this BR was taken seriously by anyone is just astounding. This was posted amidst their own controvery. If you honestly can't see this is a blatant case of "If we're going down, we're taking you with us" then you're just blind.

 Suarez; you've outdone yourself on this one. Wrapping this shit up without even letting us defend ourselves, yet letting their shit go into 11 pages. Classic.
                   The Undisputed Forum Champion. The Biggest Minge to ever grace FL:RP. The only person Awestruck has truly recognized as his equal.

[Image: nWL9pLZ.png]

Messages In This Thread
Budy & Rims | Ban Request - by Awestruck - 10-07-2015, 03:02 PM
RE: Budy & Rims | Ban Request - by Awestruck - 10-07-2015, 03:05 PM
RE: Budy & Rims | Ban Request - by Jono - 10-07-2015, 03:08 PM
RE: Budy & Rims | Ban Request - by Tomo - 10-07-2015, 06:54 PM
RE: Budy & Rims | Ban Request - by Kahjo - 10-08-2015, 12:42 PM
RE: Budy & Rims | Ban Request - by Suarez - 10-08-2015, 04:17 PM
RE: Budy & Rims | Ban Request - by Rims - 10-08-2015, 04:22 PM
RE: Budy & Rims | Ban Request - by Suarez - 10-08-2015, 04:51 PM
RE: Budy & Rims | Ban Request - by NightHawkd - 10-08-2015, 05:19 PM

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