[Closed][Dupe Market] Pear and SnowredWolf's Dupe Market
Steam name: [FL:RP]SlitherySnake
Link to steamprofile:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198101977815
Useable by builders?:Sure, as long as you don't use the factor in raids
Requested building:Clan building
Location: Office building
Amount of props: As much as you need
Details about building: Use all the rooms, a secure front entrance and the reception area having buttons. It also has SCORPIA at the front. Also it must be a formal tone, dark, casual. Preferring dark and red. Two rooms for first in command and second. The board room is used for meeting and needs chairs. That's it, good luck
Budget:50k, negotiation is possible

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RE: [Dupe Market] Pear and SnowredWolf's Dupe Market - by Wolfy - 10-01-2015, 09:22 PM

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