BR on Nuka for RDMing and random shooting and OOC insults
Name of player: [FLThinkingcrub] Nuka

SteamID: in the evidences

Time in GMT: 15 mins from the time of this post

Server: V2D

Summary: so we were at a raid at where i basically surrendered then while i was crouched ( without any form of weaponry, trying to give up, all what i did was that i was with my team when the cops tried to randomly raid and succeeded ) so i get shot at by the police sergeant ( nuka ) then i die i got shot at for no reason to be killed i could've been arrested not killed but then we argue a bit in OOC ( he insults all of the rebels also shown in evidences ) chat then move to PM after he told me that a mod used a lockpick as a cop and that i should put an AA on him aswell if i was gonna put a BR on Nuka but later on after i get blacklisted by falcao from using ooc chat one of my team mates come to me and ask me to kill him then i tell him no then he still persists so i tried to RP shove him away then from a distance a police sergeant ( Nuka) also shown in the evidences ) shoots at me till my health is at its half

Evidence:: ( that's my blood btw )

and may i ask for a different mod other than Falcao to answer me since he was trying to protect Nuka ( not directly plus he was non responsive )

Messages In This Thread
BR on Nuka for RDMing and random shooting and OOC insults - by Mr.SkarKasm - 09-25-2015, 08:04 PM

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