Report: bo2atps3 & [FL:RP]Rastafari
I reported this to the moderator who was online, but he said that i should open a Report in the forums due to evidence.

I dont understand how those pictures are unclear. Like lets take the CDM. You can see him driving my car in front of me and then afterwards im dead.
Or just compare the scoreboard screens. Rastafari just has 4 Kills more than before, because he killed the cop, the medic and the fireman + me after he died (NLR break). Lets take the fireman here. He came to put out the fire in my house, and he got killed. Thats RDM.

I can explain every single screen like this, but the thread would be more than 2 pages long...

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RE: Report: bo2atps3 & [FL:RP]Rastafari - by VeroloxLP - 09-16-2015, 02:47 PM

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