Ban Request | Rims & 99 problems | FailRP, FailFearRP
(09-13-2015, 03:35 PM)_AwestruckBullet_ Wrote: Rims ''So how is it his job to provide evidence about something you intentionally left out of your video?''
I don't possess such evidence of me breaking any rules nor do I claim to have done so. If you wish to make accusations, please back them up with evidence as I have done so above.

okay, so you're saying you recorded the whole thing, except for the part where you broke NLR? lol. Convenience at it's finest.

''You were a Powerplant security minge''
''Theres a powerplant of some sort outside my city, you should see it. Every other day they have to hostage people over stolen goods or something. You know how they are.''
Being immature about this ruins your credibility. Please stick to the point.

I'm not trying to be rude, but it's a game. Being righteously indignant doesn't score you any brownie points with anyone dawg. This is a videogame forum, not a courtroom fam.

''Your job doesn't call for Detective work that involves you driving across v2d with assault rifles and getting into gunfights.''
In all honesty it does. I am responsible for the property of the Power Plant. I followed the truck to know where it was going where I then got the Sergeant to sort it out for me. When he was then mowed by you whilst you were under FearRP.

Riiiight. The way you even presented was, "hey, theres a cop here, let's involve him!".  You never once tried to involve the police from the beginning, and all your actions before and after that one instance where he was already outside our base involved you being a complete Vigilante batman. That's failRP regardless of your opinion m80 fam
                   The Undisputed Forum Champion. The Biggest Minge to ever grace FL:RP. The only person Awestruck has truly recognized as his equal.

[Image: nWL9pLZ.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ban Request | Rims & 99 problems | FailRP, FailFearRP - by Rims - 09-13-2015, 04:31 PM
RE: Ban Request | Rims & 99 problems | FailRP, FailFearRP - by User 12049 - 09-13-2015, 03:35 PM
RE: Ban Request | Rims & 99 problems | FailRP, FailFearRP - by User 12049 - 09-13-2015, 04:40 PM
RE: Ban Request | Rims & 99 problems | FailRP, FailFearRP - by User 12049 - 09-13-2015, 05:38 PM

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