Ban Request | Rims & 99 problems | FailRP, FailFearRP
(09-13-2015, 02:46 PM)_AwestruckBullet_ Wrote: @99 Problems ''you nlr to pick your car up''
This is not true. I had waited the time needed in order for me to retrieve it. If you have evidence saying/showing otherwise, please come forward with it.

This is a pretty scummy tactic. You have created this situation so it's his word vs yours. You're the one coming forward with Video "evidence". So how is it his job to provide evidence about something you intentionally left out of your video? You show fast forwarded footage of seemingly nothing happening, so why not that? NLR breaking in 3x speed is still NLR breaking tho amirite. I don't see you posting a 3rd video clearing yourself of that accusation tho. (;

That's besides the point. If you're reporting me for my bad words then w/e. I'll accept that because your hypocrisy pissed me off. 

Rims ''>Takes hostages over a stolen truck.'' 

Please be aware that it is legitimate for me to take him into custody as he was known to be involved in the theft of two vehicles.

The only reason you "knew" we stole those 2 vehicles is because you completely failRP. You were a Powerplant security minge, not a Police Detective. Your job doesn't call for Detective work that involves you driving across v2d with assault rifles and getting into gunfights. 

''The RP should have ended right there because we no longer had the item that you hostaged someone over.''

False. You were still in possession of the black Jeep.

 Yeah. because calling the police about your stolen vehicle was never an option. "Passive RP" ya.

Theres a powerplant of some sort outside my city, you should see it. Every other day they have to hostage people over stolen goods or something. You know how they are. /s
                   The Undisputed Forum Champion. The Biggest Minge to ever grace FL:RP. The only person Awestruck has truly recognized as his equal.

[Image: nWL9pLZ.png]

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ban Request | Rims & 99 problems | FailRP, FailFearRP - by Rims - 09-13-2015, 03:03 PM
RE: Ban Request | Rims & 99 problems | FailRP, FailFearRP - by User 12049 - 09-13-2015, 03:35 PM
RE: Ban Request | Rims & 99 problems | FailRP, FailFearRP - by User 12049 - 09-13-2015, 04:40 PM
RE: Ban Request | Rims & 99 problems | FailRP, FailFearRP - by User 12049 - 09-13-2015, 05:38 PM

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