Report on Klor and limmet
Thread Title: Report: Report on Klor and limmet

Name of player: Klor and limmet

SteamID: Klor - STEAM_0:0:49798846   Limmet - STEAM_0:1:17744574
Time in GMT: 03:30

Server: V2d
Summary: I was a rebel looking through my window and i saw the other rebels by my keypad and Klor blocked up my camera with a prop. They began to shoot at me so i shot back. The leader (limmet) demoted me to get me out of my base, then they chair abused in. By the time i got back with their mingey tactic to raid me one got onto the top florr (Klor) He then propblocked his way into a room making it harder to kill him. After i killed them both they came back a propsmashed my car and started trapping people inside boxes. Ps. This is not the first time Klor has done it.
Sorry for the three different links, They kept minging while i was making this.
[Image: f8f0ed93936736f2ae4c735f1edc05ed.png]

Messages In This Thread
Report on Klor and limmet - by Ghost - 09-03-2015, 02:51 AM
RE: Report on Klor and limmet - by Suarez - 09-03-2015, 04:53 PM
RE: Report on Klor and limmet - by NightHawkd - 09-17-2015, 05:58 AM

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