UBR written out for [FL:RP] Skummet
Your name: [FL:RP] Skummet

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:17407459

Your ban ID: 65256

Banned by: [FL:M] Ivan Tempski

Reason: FearRP

Involved: Darthvirus

Why we should unban you: As you can see in rule #2.1b, it states 'You cannot draw a weapon when someone has you at gunpoint or in striking distance of a melee weapon.' Looking in the video at 4:39 minutes. You can see that the armed person with a 'melee weapon' is no where near striking distance, therefore I pull a gun.

Video Evidence:
[Image: dca8211526043e00aed8a728131842bc.png]

Messages In This Thread
UBR written out for [FL:RP] Skummet - by TheMJ - 09-01-2015, 11:31 AM
RE: UBR written out for [FL:RP] Skummet - by Grub - 09-03-2015, 12:57 AM

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