Ban Request - Dr. Peanut
Name of player:
Dr. Peanut


Time in GMT:
5:00 GMT

Okay, I had just become president and I walked out of my shelter into the Nexus Skyroom. I see men and I'm not sure why they are there. I have them all cuffed and then question them. They just want to leave peacefully but a mam (Dr. Peanut) decided to insult me and called me names and said "Suck my balls". He then said "Arrest me and you will pay" So I warrant him but make sure no one actually gets him in prison, and once he apologized I unwarranted him. The two SS agents (Temar, joeavery) uncuffed them men and let them on their way. I followed behind and then Dr. Peanut pulled out a crowbar, I clearly saw it and made sure all of my officers had guns and tazers on him. He then says "Heres your time to pay!" and storms me with a crowbar, he was clearly under gunpoint... I then die around 4 minutes into my president job. He states in OOC "I killed you for keeping me cuffed for 15 minutes".. Then others state I wasnt president for 15 minutes which he responds to by "Well that sucks for you"

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Messages In This Thread
Ban Request - Dr. Peanut - by Vauld - 10-12-2011, 02:54 AM
RE: Ban Request - Dr. Peanut - by PeanutsFTW - 10-12-2011, 03:03 AM
RE: Ban Request - Dr. Peanut - by Vauld - 10-12-2011, 03:23 AM
RE: Ban Request - Dr. Peanut - by PeanutsFTW - 10-12-2011, 03:25 AM
RE: Ban Request - Dr. Peanut - by Temar - 10-12-2011, 03:25 AM
RE: Ban Request - Dr. Peanut - by Temar - 10-12-2011, 03:42 AM
RE: Ban Request - Dr. Peanut - by Vauld - 10-12-2011, 03:44 AM
RE: Ban Request - Dr. Peanut - by PeanutsFTW - 10-12-2011, 03:47 AM
RE: Ban Request - Dr. Peanut - by Vauld - 10-12-2011, 03:56 AM
RE: Ban Request - Dr. Peanut - by PeanutsFTW - 10-12-2011, 03:58 AM
RE: Ban Request - Dr. Peanut - by Vauld - 10-12-2011, 04:03 AM
RE: Ban Request - Dr. Peanut - by Dryblood - 10-12-2011, 10:02 AM

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