ADV Dupe gets stuck at "Loading: 10%"
Like in the Headline mentioned .. when i try to spawn my Dupe on v2d i transfered from build it gets stuck at "Loading: 10%"

Yes , i tried reconnect
Yes , i tried transferint it again.

any solutions ?

Solution by SnowredWolf

If you build the dupe on the build server and save the dupe with spaces and/or unusual characters such as ÆØÅ, they used to fail loading after transferring them to another server. If you use spaces and/or unusual characters try to re-save it on the server with a more common name and then transfer it.

Greetins space

Messages In This Thread
ADV Dupe gets stuck at "Loading: 10%" - by Sup faggot - 08-27-2015, 06:40 PM
RE: ADV Dupe gets stuck at "Loading: 10%" - by User 12049 - 08-28-2015, 01:51 PM

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